9 Out Of 10 US Healthcare Execs Feel Vulnerable to Data Threats

Survey results from the “2017 Thales Data Threat Report, Healthcare Edition” – courtesy Thales and 451 Research this week – show big spending planned for data security in 2017.

  • 81 percent of U.S. healthcare organizations and 76 percent of global healthcare organizations will increase information security spending in 2017.
  • Cybersecurity spending increases by U.S. healthcare companies outpace those of all other vertical markets surveyed, including the government and financial sectors.
  • 69% of U.S. respondents leveraging SaaS,
    • 59% big data,
    • 46% mobile,
    • and 35% IoT environments.
  • 90% of U.S. healthcare respondents feel vulnerable to data threats.


  • 57% of US respondents list “Compliance requirements” as the top spending impetus.
  • …However, global respondents listed compliance near the very bottom of spending drivers. Instead, the top two motivations for security spending are “preventing data breaches” (39%) and “protecting reputation and brand” (also 39%).
  • Network security is still the top choice for U.S. healthcare spending by a wide margin (69%), compared to 53% of global respondents. Endpoint security, at 61%, isn’t far behind.